我真的哭了,soulmate又可以笑到鸡叫又说不出最后一个再见,New York isnt New York without you love!
游客 2022-07-09
Promise me when an apocalypse hits youll meet me in St. Louis. The most beautiful ending and a tribute to the city that witnesses young female friendship blossoming at any given moment.
游客 2022-07-09
最后一集还是不争气的哭成狗。所有人在搬去纽约前都以为自己会活得像Ileana一样如鱼得水,但是百分之九十的人都会像Abbi一样被残酷的现实打败,真真是new york i love you but you brining me down。看到最后一集以为abbi要穿着那条著名的blue dress出席屋顶送别派对,最后她从背包里拿出那条blue dress放在ileana身边简直爆笑,每次blue...
游客 2022-07-09
YASSS~ Madonna Rihanna Ilana~~希望三十岁时也有一个挚友陪伴!!一个就好!