Mani Kaul's superior documentary on the plight of Indian women made at the height of the emergency in 1975. Kaul refused to sign the film after Indira Gandhi asked him to make same changes. This one is the 'state appropriated' version with the rather irritating voiceover.
Here's the avi rip of the Mani Kaul film that Indira Gandhi asked Mani Kaul to make changes to at the height of the emergency in 1975. Its between Duvidha and Satah se Uthata Aadmi so notice how he has begun to move the camera along the same axis or pan across the axis.
Mani Kaul's superior documentary on the plight of Indian women made at the height of the emergency in 1975. Kaul refused to sign the film after Indira Gandhi asked him to make same changes. This one is the 'state appropriated' version with the rather irritating voiceover.
Here's the avi rip of the Mani Kaul film that Indira Gandhi asked Mani Kaul to make changes to at the heigh...