导演:Maria Demopoulos Jodi Wille

主演:Elena Michaels Ahom Aquarian Father Yod









    The Source Family is a 2012 feature documentary film directed by Jodi Wille and Maria Demopoulos which recounts the story of Father Yod, Ya Ho Wa 13 and the Source Family.Much material was gleaned from Isis Aquarian's archives of photos, diary, film, cassette tapes of Father Yod's morning class, lost music tapes, graphics; along with input interviews of Source family members and people who knew Jim Baker (Father Yod) and / or went to the Source Restaurant. The film premiered in competition at South by Southwest Film Festival 2012 and screened at festivals Silverdocs, Seattle International Film Festival and San Francisco International Film Festival, with special screenings at True/False Festival Boonedawdle and Hot Docs Canadian International Documentary Festival Doc Soup series. In May 2013, the film was released theatrically, premiering at IFC Center in New York City, where its run was extended for over a month. The film screened in 60 cities and had extended runs in Los Angeles, Portland, San Francisco, and Nashville. It is distributed by Drag City and Gravitas Ventures. The Source Family provides a view of the group through their own archival photos, home movies, audio recordings, and contemporary interviews with members of the family. Serving as a highly personal, insider’s guide to the counter-culture movement of the early 70s, the film is inspired by the cult-classic book The Source: The Story of Father Yod, Ya Ho Wa 13, and The Source Family (Process Media) which was written by Isis Aquarian and Electricity Aquarian and edited by director Jodi Wille. The documentary features music exclusively by Yo Ha Wa, the band composed of members of the Source Family and Father Yod as lead singer


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游客  2022-06-05
游客  2022-06-05
  The Source Family is a 2012 feature documentary film directed by Jodi Wille and Maria Demopoulos which recounts the story of Father Yod Ya Ho Wa 13 and the Source Family.Much material was gleaned from Isis Aquarian's archives of photos diary film cassette tapes of Father Yod's morning class lost music tapes graphics; along with input interviews of Source family members an...
游客  2022-06-05
3.3分 刚开始的时候还以为是记录的另一个曼森家族,最后的结尾弱了点儿,嬉皮士女孩儿都很美。死的方式很华丽
游客  2022-06-05
2013/05/27 Portland Hollywood 极具传奇色彩的人物和故事作为基础,怎么拍都不会差。结构上过于平铺直叙,内容上有点虎头蛇尾。 事实上我觉得他的死和他生前所做的一切一样惊世骇俗。
游客  2022-06-05