Colin(Jamie Dornan), an ambitious young New York finance executive, needs to clinch a deal with a wealthy Dubai sheik, who has a weakness for pigeon racing. They make a bargain: the sheik will sign if Colin can get him a particular pigeon, the perfect bird to win the prestigious Barcelona international race. This bird has been trained in Flanders, but the owner refuses to sell at any price. Posing as a school teacher searching for the grave of an ancestor killed in the First World War, Colin travels to the little Flemish village where the pigeon fancier lives and starts to look for something that will separate the bird from its owner. But in the process he falls under the spell of the place and of Isabelle, the pigeon fancier's spirited granddaughter. (Fm IMBd)
The legendary Cher Ami。。// Cliché到爆,一開始就想棄了,但看到米國被各種黑,又看下去了。。// Flanders Govt投資拍的一戰百年紀念+風光風情片?// Max Pirkis已經殘成這樣!那時看Rome很喜歡他吶,後來換了Simon Woods我還鬱悶了很久。。//總裁的side portrait好看 。。