导演:Andrew Smith

主演:吉姆·艾尔-哈利利 Vicki Smith Graham Appleby Chris Hadfield Simon Rea Marek Kukula Joseph Giaime Sheila Rowan 基普·索恩









    Physics professor Jim Al-Khalili investigates the amazing science of gravity. A fundamental force of nature, gravity shapes our entire universe, sculpting galaxies and warping space and time. But gravity's strange powers, discovered by Albert Einstein, also affect our daily lives in the most unexpected ways. As Jim tells the story of gravity, it challenges his own understanding of the nature of reality. The science of gravity includes the greatest advances in physics, and Jim recreates groundbreaking experiments in gravity including when the Italian genius Galileo first worked out how to measure it. Gravity science is still full of surprises and Jim investigates the latest breakthrough - 'gravity waves' - ripples in the vast emptiness of space. He also finds out from astronauts what it's like to live without gravity. But gravity also directly affects all of us very personally - making a difference to our weight, height, posture and even the rate at which we age. With the help of volunteers and scientists, Jim sets out to find where in Britain gravity is weakest and so where we weigh the least. He also helps design a smartphone app that volunteers use to demonstrate how gravity affects time and makes us age at slightly different rates. And finally, Jim discovers that despite incredible progress, gravity has many secrets.


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游客  2022-08-22
伽利略:世间万物 抛开阻力 下降速度是一样的 在山上 或者赤道附近 物体重量会减少F m1m2 r平方 G 人的身高也会因为重力 从早上到晚上变矮一二厘米 所以测身高在早上最好 无氧运动要多做背部力量 挺拔身体 爱因斯坦 物质改变空间和时间(扭曲) 观察重力人们发现了暗物质 我们宇宙中有80%得质量是看不见的 引力波 世间万物的引力其实是朝着让自己时间更慢的方向发展 所以才会”下落”
游客  2022-08-22
游客  2022-08-22
游客  2022-08-22
游客  2022-08-22
  Physics professor Jim Al-Khalili investigates the amazing science of gravity. A fundamental force of nature gravity shapes our entire universe sculpting galaxies and warping space and time. But gravity's strange powers discovered by Albert Einstein also affect our daily lives in the most unexpected ways. As Jim tells the story of gravity it challenges his own understanding...