1898年 西班牙派遣一支军事小组前往Laber镇 菲律宾| 保护西班牙帝国的最后一个殖民地,以避免反叛本地人恢复其古老领土。 由Enrique de las Morenas船长和Cerezo中尉领导 骄傲的军人| 士兵们在夜里被别人跟踪 被迫在Fray Carmelo翼下的教堂避难 Laber的牧师。 把教会转变成军事堡垒 永久的热和马拉里加斯坦人生病到不同的男人。 船长死于一种称为脚气病的疾病 Cerezo转向了这支队伍的新领导人 面对不断的力量与吉米诺| 来自前队的士兵被当地人歼灭。 随着西班牙语的胜利和荣耀,每次都变得偏执狂和强迫 叛军菲利普斯附近的塞佐佐解释说,西班牙出售菲律宾群岛到美国| 失去所有的殖民地完成西班牙帝国| 战争结束了。 但是...
In 1898| Spain sends a military squad to the town of Laber| Fillippines| to protect one of the last colonies of the Spanish Empire to avoid that rebel nativesrecover its ancient territories. Lead by Captain Enrique de las Morenas and Lieutenant Cerezo| a prideful military| the soldiers are stalked during a night by therebels| being forced to refuge in the church under the wing of Fray Carmelo| Laber's priest. Turning the church in a military fort| the permanent heat and malariastarts to sick to diverse men. After Captain's death by a disease called beriberi| Cerezo turns in the new leader of the squad| faced constantly by the power withJimeno| a soldier from the previous squad annihilated by the natives. Turning each time more paranoid and obsessive with the victory and the glory of the SpanishEmpire| the rebels Fillipines close to Cerezo to explain that Spain sold Fillipines Islands to USA| losing all the colonies for finishing the Spanish Empire| andthat the war is over. But ...1. 请优先选择种子文件或者磁力链接下载
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