Newlyweds, John and Jane Mason, struggle through their first year a marriage, plagued by money problems, illness and a meddlesome live-in mother-in-law. To top it all off, their baby son is dying of pneumonia, and can only be saved by a serum that must be flown from Salt Lake City to New York, when all flights have been grounded by impassable weather conditions. Through all this turmoil, their love never falters, as they were Made for Each Other. Written by Herman Seifer {alagain@}
★★★☆某种程度看本片想要说的跟its a wonderful life是一回事,但故事太集中在婚后的鸡毛蒜皮上,结构有硬伤,两位主人公也都不讨喜,男的太窝囊,女的只会说。不过两位倒是爱的很真挚,再加上jimmy和carole两位巨星的演译,本片算是从烂片堆里起死回生。影片最后4分钟的逆转让人吐槽无能,可是39
Newlyweds John and Jane Mason struggle through their first year a marriage plagued by money problems illness and a meddlesome live-in mother-in-law. To top it all off their baby son is dying of pneumonia and can only be saved by a serum that must be flown from Salt Lake City to New York when all flights have been grounded by impassable weather conditions. Through all thi...