This was one of the first films to deal with the effects of Nazi Germany's concentration camps on their survivors. Sol Nazerman, operator of a pawn shop, and a concentration camp survivor faces a horrid internal conflict. Being engulfed in a New York ghetto Environment, Sol suffers flashbacks. The flashbacks juxtapose concentration camp treatment with ghetto neighborhood treatment. Although, the flashbacks suffer several historical inaccuracies, the point is well made. His internal conflicts between submitting to the same injustices he and his family suffered or resisting the injustice a peak at the end of the film.
当一个人不再随意指责愤世嫉俗者和冷酷者,你已触摸残酷生活的本色,并已是上帝的孩子(The children of God);Rod Steigner为该片贡献了殿堂级的震撼表演,如有神助地呈现了患有奥斯维辛集中营创伤综合症的犹太裔典当商这一角色,让“冷酷索尔”的病态而极端的情绪捕获了所有人的心;意识流电影:过去的记忆与现在的生活纠缠不清,昨日的幽灵早已扼住了时光,让幸存者成为活死人;蝴蝶标本:过去...