在世界上最原始的景观之一中,一个致力于开发阿拉斯加石油资源的团队被看不见的邪恶所折磨。在发现一名机组人员死亡之后,迷失方向慢慢宣称团队中其他成员的理智,因为他们每个人都屈服于未知的恐惧。当一股恶毒的风将一架靠近该站的飞机降下时,这种蠕动的恐惧突然爆发。爆炸和屠杀给团队造成了严重破坏,营地中的所有职能都失败了,迫使他们中的两个成员为了生存而拼命冷落。当这两个人寻求帮助的旅程时,他们发现自己完全处于一个动荡不安的世界中-要么是他们被一群看不见的来势汹汹的幽灵所缠扰,要么就是要疯了。这部令人毛骨悚然的超自然戏剧是亲密恐怖眼镜的著名导演拉里·费森登(Larry Fessenden)的最新作品,他的恐怖三部曲(“无电话”,“习惯”和“温迪格”)涉及当代生活的主题-环保主义,沉迷,上瘾,阶级冲突,侵略,恐惧和疯狂。
In one of the most pristine landscapes in the world, a team working to exploit oil resources of Alaska is tormented by an unseen evil. After one crewmember is found dead, a disorientation slowly claims the sanity of the other members of the team as each of them succumbs to an unknown fear. This creeping dread bursts open when a malevolent wind brings down a plane that approaches the station. Explosions and carnage wreak havoc on the team and all functions fail in the camp, forcing two of the members out into the cold on a desperate bid for survival. As these two journey to find help, they find themselves utterly alone in a world that is unraveling- either they are being stalked by an invisible herd of menacing phantoms, or they are going mad. This chilling supernatural drama is the latest offering from Larry Fessenden, an acclaimed director of intimate horror spectacles, whose trilogy of Horror (NO TELLING, HABIT, and WENDIGO) tackles themes of contemporary life- environmentalism, ad*diction, class conflict, aggression, fear and madness.
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