彼得·曼尼恩(Peter Mannion)现任美国社会事务和公民事务部(Department of Social Affairs and Citizenship)国务卿。媒体顾问斯图尔特·皮尔森,奉首相之命,指示他启动一项教育计划,这让初级部长费格斯和格伦都很恼火。格伦得到了特丽的支持,特丽受够了,想要裁员。彼得的任务是在当地一所学校启动一项应用程序计划,但新闻发布会显示,他完全脱离了这个主题。最终,他必须与费格斯在进一步的新闻发布会上和解,以获得街头信誉——而他也几乎做到了这一点。
Peter Mannion is now secretary of state for the Department of Social Affairs and Citizenship. Spin doctor Stewart Pearson, on PM's orders, instructs him to launch an education initiative, to the annoyance of junior minister Fergus and the embittered Glenn. Glenn is supported by Terri, who is fed up and wants redundancy. Peter's brief is to launch an Apps initiative in a local school but the press conference shows him to be wholly out of touch with the subject. Ultimately he must reconcile with Fergus at a further press call to gain street cred - and just about does it.
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