性感VJ Flirty-zel正在等待她的王子,当她的男朋友破产,并强迫她VJ一个成人网站的名称下的VJ Flirty-zel。 她瞬间变得有名,但吉永梦想逃离“监狱”,因为她每天遭受虐待和压力。 同时,一个在互联网上崇拜她的人发现了她被俘虏的地方...
Sexy VJ Flirty-zel is waiting for her prince when her boyfriend goes bankrupt and forces her to VJ for an adult website under the name of VJ Flirty-zel. She instantly gets famous but Ji-yeon dreams of escaping the 'prison' as she suffers from abuse and pressure every day. Meanwhile, a man who adores her on the internet finds out where she's held captive...
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