Drawn animation film about a solitary clockmaker who seeks solace in his daily routine. Among his permanently ticking small and large timepieces, he feels most at ease. He loathes digital fads and he is glad to see the back of customers. One evening, a strange character knocks on his door and asks him to repair a very special watch. Then, it is clear why this sad craftsman is so embittered. A drama about mourning, the passing of time and learning to let go.
Drawn animation film about a solitary clockmaker who seeks solace in his daily routine. Among his permanently ticking small and large timepieces he feels most at ease. He loathes digital fads and he is glad to see the back of customers. One evening a strange character knocks on his door and asks him to repair a very special watch. Then it is clear why this sad craftsman is s...
游客 2022-10-02
游客 2022-10-02
游客 2022-10-02
let go is one of the most important lessons for us to learn. i see myself in himbut higher beings i dont wanna die anymore .hopefully i can always gain your blessing from now on. i need to get lose...