
    Twenty-nine year old Caucasian Elgar Enders still lives at the estate of his parents, William and Joyce Enders, and off their vast wealth with their blessing, although his ultra-conservative father hopes that some day Elgar will have some drive and make a name for himself, much as he believes his eldest son, William Jr., has done. Elgar decides finally to move out, and buys a tenement house in Park Slope, Brooklyn, a rough neighborhood seemingly on the verge of gentrification. He plans to tear it down and build a new house for himself. Although they have no idea of his plans, the tenants of the building, exclusively black, do not welcome their young, lily-white new landlord with open arms. They believe he is just another slum white landlord who wants their money, although most of them are indeed several months behind in their rent. Despite their antagonistic beginning, Elgar, after spending time with his tenants and learning their stories, decides to be a proper landlord and fix up the building for them and for him to live in. Elgar's transition into liberal minded lover of his black brothers and sisters is not without its problems as he deals with some tenants who are indeed deadbeats, his parents who just don't understand and agree with this phase of his life, and race relations where the color of one's skin does affect how they are treated in life and in turn how they interact with others. The latter is epitomized by his relationships with Lanie, a biracial woman who he initially believed was white, and with husband and wife tenants Copee and Fanny to who he gets a little too close


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游客  2022-04-03
游客  2022-04-03
游客  2022-04-03
我反悔了 把三星变五星了。第一次看的时候觉得情节完全没有吸引力,上一次床就怀孕成了推动故事的戏剧性事件,但这片子后劲儿很大,我真的一直在想男主呕吐的那段闪回快切,还有童年线的贯穿。我承认自己看过的电影不多,这部让我感慨原来电影还可以这么写。在我看来整部片子散发人性光辉,得益于Hal Ashby对Love and Peace的追求,得益于原著作者对于白人男主怀有sympathy的刻画(这点简直是太温...
游客  2022-04-03
  Twenty-nine year old Caucasian Elgar Enders still lives at the estate of his parents William and Joyce Enders and off their vast wealth with their blessing although his ultra-conservative father hopes that some day Elgar will have some drive and make a name for himself much as he believes his eldest son William Jr. has done. Elgar decides finally to move out and buys a t...
游客  2022-04-03
肤色也好女性也好 我想对于他们最大的尊重 便是没有刻意的粉饰和丑化 只是平实地讲述你所看到的 或好或坏 ps:哈尔阿什贝的结尾总是久久不能自拔