挣扎的摄影师罗伯特(约翰·马加罗)和他的慈善父亲哈里(克里斯托弗·麦克唐纳)意识到,他们都有一个一夜的立场与女士| Sara-Beth | 在同一周。 几年后| 他们意识到,他们中的任何一个可能是她可爱的四岁女儿的生物学父亲。 两个人同意分担父亲的责任,直到亲子鉴定的结果回来| 迫使两人终于花了一些时间相互。
Struggling photographer Robert (John Magaro) and his philandering father Harry (Christopher McDonald) realize that they both had a one-night stand with the samewoman| Sara-Beth| in the same week. Years later| they realize that either one of them might be the biological father of her adorable four-year-old daughter. The twobegrudgingly agree to share fatherly duties until the results of a paternity test come back| forcing the two to finally spend some time with each other.
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