An adaption of his one-man off-Broadway show of the same name, Chris Gethard: Career Suicide is a comedy about depression, alcoholism, suicide and the other funniest parts of life. Gethard holds nothing back as he dives into his experiences with mental illness and psychiatry, finding hope in the strangest places.
还差20分钟看完,这不是脱口秀,这是一个抑郁症患者对自己生命的剖析。不那么funny,但绝对是走心的。l am small. And I do not matter. And thats beautiful.这段话的表情,语速,神态。最佳脱口秀时刻之一。也许没有之一。感恩
游客 2022-09-15
怎么说呢。我喜欢悲伤的笑话,但我也喜欢悲伤本身,所以我喜欢这场,即使我更向往悲痛和喜剧同时爆发。其中有很优秀的笑话,比如说自杀的口号/ 精神病药物/ 心理咨询的套路,以及很多铺垫很长、很悲伤的心路历程在结尾峰回路转转向爆笑。
就只是,when I call my mom,she doesnt have to be scared. And lm not wasting all this time...